About us

E3 CONSEIL is an audit and strategy firm specialized in eco-contribution, EPR sectors and waste reduction for companies founded in 2005.

E³ Conseil leader en matière d’Eco-contributions et de Réduction des déchets.

E3 CONSEIL leader in the fields of Eco-contributions and Waste reduction.

Founded in 2005 by Christèle Chancrin, E3 Conseil Expertise Economie Environnement is the partner for producers about the management and the optimization of Eco-contributions (CITEO, Ecomaison, Valdelia, Ecosystem, ReFashion**), paid by companies in accordance with their obligations of Extended Producer Responsibility and Waste Reduction.

E3 CONSEIL leader in the fields of Eco-contributions and Waste reduction

Since 2005, E3 CONSEIL and its experts (legal experts, tax specialists and engineers) assist companies in implementing of their environmental responsibility about waste called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) : from the optimization of eco-contributions to the development of eco-friendly & cost-effective projects.

E3 Conseil suggests you::

  • The expertise in optimization of your eco-contributions an your environmental taxation : you will achieve significant and sustainable savings about these taxes off your "core business"

  • The outsourcing of your eco-declarations to ensure statements in perfect compliance with the legislation in force and taxes in consistency with your European obligations of "Polluter pays"

  • Declarative assistance missions according to your requests: Tax/contributory control assistance; declarative database establishment; wholesalers’ certificates recovery; declarative following; …

  • Waste diagnostics : inventories, mappings, costs, actions plan

  • Waste management: compliance studies, preventive actions, materials recyclability, collection system & valorization optimization…

  • Waste sectors support: deposit studies, technical and regulatory feasibility analysis, environmental and economic record compared, specifications…

  • CSR strategic support: global expertise missions (including Life Cycle Assessment & Carbon Footprint ®) in order to bring you concrete and structuring proposals to reduce pollution while saving money – waste & packaging source reduction, packaging adaptation to the regulation, etc.

Our values: expertise, reliability, sharing, results and confidentiality.

Because for us and our customers, sustainable development is synonymous with sustainable savings, we strive to implement effective actions in this field.

qualification ISQ-OPQCM (Qualification des services Intellectuels)

An ISQ / OPQCM certified firm to support you.

The ISQ / OPQCM qualification (Intellectual services qualification) is the recognition of the professionalism, the skills, the expertise and the ethics of our consulting firm. The certification has been issued by ISQ-OPQCM (Office Professionnel de Qualification des Conseils en Management) in the purchasing (since 2007) and finance fields – audit, consulting and financial risks and insurance management (since 2009).

Our core business: the eco-contributions and the waste sectors.

Do you need our services/ Don’t hesitate to contact us !