Environmental tax

Expertise in optimizing your environmental taxation (ecotax, waste TGAP, food taxes, ...).

What is the environmental taxation?

E3 CONSEIL brings you its expertise in the study of nutritional and environmental taxes

The ecological taxation gathers all the tax measures (taxes, environmental taxes, tax credits …) whose the base (substance, product, service, equipment…) has an effect on the environment and the human health. It aims to encourage virtuous behavior.

The guidelines of the “Grenelle de l’Environnement” and more recently government works on the energy transition #DNTE and the Committee for the ecological taxation have made one of a major economic instruments for the environmental protection.

Historically, the firm has developed its expertise in the study of some environmental taxes (TGAP on air pollution, TIPP) and indirect contributions paid by the companies and collected by the Customs, called “nutritional Taxes” (tax on oils and flours food, taxes on sweet drinks “soda taxes”, taxes and excise duties on the alcoholic drinks).

l’environnement et la santé humaine

Our solutions in eenvironmental taxation

Our goal is to reduce significantly the amount of your environmental taxes

Whatever the tax concerned, our goal is to significantly reduce the amount and we offer you:

The expertise in optimizing to your environmental taxes. We help you to achieve significant and sustainable cost savings by :

  • The checking of the declarative methodology and tax rates applied
  • The control of your various declarative parameters (eg products composition, reported quantities, etc.)
  • Identification and estimation of financial optimizations levers
  • Training your staff to our know-how
  • Recovery of your cash on the past years

And if you have any special requests, we will be glad to give you a practical and customized help in terms of your expectations…

We optimize your taxes to the past, the present and the future

Do you need our services/ Don’t hesitate to contact us !